The THOR Network

An international multidisciplinary network of civilian and military providers ranging from first responders and medics to critical care physicians and from basic scientists to clinical trialists.

VISION: To improve outcomes from traumatic hemorrhagic shock by optimizing the acute phase of resuscitation.

MISSION: To develop and implement best practices for prehospital care through to the completion of the acute phase of hemorrhagic shock resuscitation.

The THOR Network will execute this mission through a multidisciplinary collaborative approach to research, education, training, and advocacy.



  • October 6-9, 2024
  • Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Miami FL
  • more info


  • May 18-21, 2025
  • Os, Norway


Emergency Transfusion in Females with Childbearing Potential: Mitigating the Risks of Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn


  • October 29-31, 2025
  • Perth, Australia

The Hemostatic Resuscitation Calculator

An evidence based calculator that determines the content of different hemostatic resuscitation strategies.


Damage Control Resuscitation: Identification and Treatment of Life-Threatening Hemorrhage

Editor: Philip C. Spinella, MD

  • Addresses the resuscitation of patients with life-threatening hemorrhage in prehospital settings
  • Focuses on both civilian and military applications of DCR
  • Utilizes implementation science and learning healthcare system concepts  to provide a scientific framework for education and training
  • Discusses non-trauma conditions such as obstetric bleeding and spontaneous intracranial bleeding

Whole Blood Field Transfusion Course

An evidence-based field transfusion course to optimize patient outcome by sharing practical and theoretical information to safely perform a transfusion.

THOR Members

Countries Represented

Attendees at last Conference

“‘There are three stages of scientific discovery: first people deny it is true; then they deny it is important; finally they credit the wrong person”

-Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)

“Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.”


“Blessed are the young who can give back life with their blood.”

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”

-Albert Einstein

“The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.”

-Kent M. Keith

“In practice, people are very reluctant to give up a theory in which they have invested a lot of time and effort. They usually start by questioning the accuracy of the observations. If that fails, they try to modify the theory in an ad hoc manner. Eventually the theory becomes a creaking and ugly edifice. Then someone suggests a new theory in which all the awkward observations are explained in an elegant and natural manner.”

-Stephen Hawking

“If any good can be said to come of war, then the Second War War must go on record as assisting and accelerating one of the greatest blessings that the 20th Century has conferred on Man – the huge advances in medical knowledge and surgical techniques. War, by producing so many and such appalling casualties, and by creating such widespread conditions in which disease can flourish, confronted the medical profession with an enormous challenge – and the doctors of the world rose to the challenge of the last war magnificently.”

-Brian J Ford

“The problem in this business isn’t to keep people from stealing your ideas; it’s making them steal your ideas.”

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”

-Ernest Hemingway

“All great truths begin as blasphemies.”

-George Bernard Shaw

“We learn from history that we do not learn from history”

-George Bernard Shaw


The THOR Network is a multidisciplinary group of clinical, translational, and basic science investigators with a common interest in improving outcomes and safety in patients with severe traumatic injury, allowing first responders to interact with academicians and for the scientists to educate the medics and paramedics on the latest research in the field of pre-hospital resuscitation.



Remote damage control resuscitation is the prehospital application of damage control resuscitation (DCR) concepts. Damage control resuscitation principles include compressible hemorrhage control; hypotensive resuscitation; rapid surgical control of bleeding; avoidance of the overuse of crystalloids and colloids; prevention or correction of acidosis, hypothermia, and hypocalcemia; and hemostatic resuscitation.

The THOR Network is proud to collaborate with Special Operations Medical Association.